I know its been a long time but life has taken over my brain and Ive been pre occupied. The Journey hasnt ceased however. I continuously write and work on projects. I am currently working on my sequel "Bound By Lies", which is my sophomore effort to my debut novel "Broken Promises Never Mend". I have been diligent in that and am even taking steps to making sure that the sequel is more developed than the first book. I have decided to push it back to Fall and maybe even winter. Perfection cant be rushed. I am also working on a book that will be released next summer. I have also been able to get my first novel on amazon Kindle, which is downloadable to any Blackberry, iPhone, iPad, etc. I am super excited about it because it will be based on a true story of sorts..... a story that every woman can and will be able to identify with. I havent stopped but I have slowed down to focus and will succeed by any means necessary! Much Love to all my supporters and fans!