About Me

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New York, New York, United States
.Everything happens for a reason and when we least expect it. Not one to wait for things happen, I tend to push for what many call IMPOSSIBLE. I am the self published author of "Broken Promises Never Mend" which is currently on amazon.com. I am very proud of my accomplishment seeing as though I was told many times that I cant do it and also that I shouldnt do it. I go against the grain and can be a rebel of sorts. My intentions are good and I always usually win in the end. Not one to stay idle, Ive also been an entrepreneur and created gift baskets, scented candles and incense for many customers and have been blessed to even have gifted celebrity clients such as Nicole and Boris Kodjoe of Showtime's hit show "SOUL FOOD". I thank you for networking with me and God's Blessings! ~Essence M~

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Hiatus :-/

Those of you that have been following my journey know that I have been SUPER excited about my latest release "Bittersweet". After the Harlem Book Fair I went full steam ahead with book signings and promtions and things of that nature. Sadly my body caught up with me and I am currently out on "break" with no writing. So how am I blogging you ask? VERY CAREFULLY! This always happens however when I release a book. Something happens whether its related to a computer issue or some illness and it will delay my progress. That being said my novel Bittersweet wont drop in December........ but it WILL drop in Feb/March 2012! AND........ I would love to have a big party to celebrate and have a book tour. I guess all wont be lost as we once thought. Now just to organize everything for that gradiose occassion. I hope you all will join me in celebrating :)
I still have my other novels and Im working on the final installment of the trilogy as well as other surprises. This journey is FAR from over! Love ya to pieces :-)