A Peek Into My World and The Journey of a Self Published Author.......
About Me

- Full Of Essence
- New York, New York, United States
- .Everything happens for a reason and when we least expect it. Not one to wait for things happen, I tend to push for what many call IMPOSSIBLE. I am the self published author of "Broken Promises Never Mend" which is currently on amazon.com. I am very proud of my accomplishment seeing as though I was told many times that I cant do it and also that I shouldnt do it. I go against the grain and can be a rebel of sorts. My intentions are good and I always usually win in the end. Not one to stay idle, Ive also been an entrepreneur and created gift baskets, scented candles and incense for many customers and have been blessed to even have gifted celebrity clients such as Nicole and Boris Kodjoe of Showtime's hit show "SOUL FOOD". I thank you for networking with me and God's Blessings! ~Essence M~
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Trial and Error
Sometimes it takes a whole lotta mistakes to get to the right thing. And sometimes the right thing turns out to be one big mistake. Its all apart of living and learning. For me, it took me 3 tries to self publish my first novel and now I wrote it and sent it out to my editor Brandie Randolph of Editing Couture. She has been a FABUlous asset to me and my work and comes with my seal of approval. I just sent her my manuscript for the sequel "Bound By Lies" which I want to release in Jan/Feb of 2011. I've received such positive feedback and I am excited for people to enjoy my work. Its been a long year but I made it! Whew! Thank GOD for mistakes........ they cause me to learn and grow!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
I Think I Can, I Think I Can.... I KNOW I CAN / I KNOW I CAN
OOOOOOMMMMMGGGGGGG!!!! Break time!!! I simply must before my damn brain fries. Im up all night and up early and I dont feel like Im making any headway to finishing my story. I'm almost done!! Thats the frustrating part. I have a few more chapters and I dont know when but I need to complete this and send it to my editor within the next few weeks. :-(
I guess I have such a strong story to tell that I dont know when to stop. I do tho! I do know when to stop! I just dont know when I will get there.......... I will keep at it like Lil Toot.......... ;-)
Bound By Lies- Coming VERY SOON
I guess I have such a strong story to tell that I dont know when to stop. I do tho! I do know when to stop! I just dont know when I will get there.......... I will keep at it like Lil Toot.......... ;-)
Bound By Lies- Coming VERY SOON
Thursday, September 30, 2010
What I Want Aint Usually How It Is!!!
I sat in the dark and cried..... I said why doesnt he love me back. I thought it was something special. I most of all let down my infamous WALL and let him in..... Why? Why me? Why not US? Its because its not of HIM.. Much like everything else in our lives, we have a blueprint and if its not in HIS plan, we wont succeed. I am a true testiment of that. So much has happened in my life but the things that mean the most to me are the things that I've worked the hardest at and have accomplished. My children, My writing career, LIFE in general has been something short of CRAZY but Im making it........
The other day I stepped out on FAITH and TRUST and I am moving progressively forward with my second novel, Bound By Lies. When I made the decision to take what was mine, I was nervous and was up until 4am but that adrenaline rush was something that caused me to say "Ok, this is what Im doing and Im going to make it work for me!"
Anything worth it is a struggle and while my journey is far from over, I know with TRUST and FAITH I will make it.........
The other day I stepped out on FAITH and TRUST and I am moving progressively forward with my second novel, Bound By Lies. When I made the decision to take what was mine, I was nervous and was up until 4am but that adrenaline rush was something that caused me to say "Ok, this is what Im doing and Im going to make it work for me!"
Anything worth it is a struggle and while my journey is far from over, I know with TRUST and FAITH I will make it.........
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Inspiration....... Or Lack There Of!
Greetings folks! It is I, Essence coming to you live from my laptop and boy oh boy does it feel strange. The last time I was here I spoke on all thats happened with me during the summer. Well Summer is pretty much over and business will resume as usual. Guess what? I am soooooooooooooo excited about whats brewing. Thank GOD for inspiration. I mean Ive literally been writing in a notebook with a pen and Ive got my next book under way....... Im more than sure I've got at least 4 chapters already which says alot. That book will be ready for July 2011! Im on a train to success and Im not stopping!!! Of course there are some days where I just dont get into the mood to write. When I do, I just listen to some music or even take time to read some of my literary divas books.. Lately Ive read Mahogani P's book, and the Shyt List collection by the Cartel Publications. Next on deck is A Hood Chicks Story by Shonda Devaughn. Reading and writing gives me life........... So Blessed to be able to do what I love and be around those that inspire and support me! So All........ I'll probably be blogging during my hiatus since I'm addicted to what is my lifeline (blackberry) and letting you know first, what Im up to. Must get my sophomore novel done and out to my supporters......
Be well my lovelies!!!
Thursday, August 12, 2010

Okay so I know I've been gone for like 3 months but I've been tremendously busy and I absolutely love the support I've been getting. I stay on Twitter cutting up and one of my tweeps suggested I get back on the ball and blog about what I've been up to. She was right! I didnt know how much I was doing and or going through. Let me break it down month by month LOL.
June- I did lots of partying... hey it was my birthday month. I drank, spent time with my friends, family and boos.... hey, Im a single gal in NY.. what did ya think? Just call me the black Samantha Jones with a touch of Carrie Bradshaw ;-)! Anywho, I drank, lived, loved and had a wonderful time. My oldest son graduated and I celebrated some birthdays as I previously stated. But, the lowlight of this was my blackberry lost alot of information and even worse MY LAPTOP CRASHED! GASP!!! YES!!! My precious "Sonya" (I name her #dontjudgeme) crashed and there was absolutely nothing I could do at the time. I was on the phone with people that attempted to help me all damn day (Kenya) and those that stayed on the phone with me and prayed while I cried (Todd) and those that allowed me to rush the hell over and fix my baby so I didnt hyperventilate and die due to lack of oxygen. I know dramatic but um er a......... thats my laptop containing my second book as well as other items that are near and dear to me! I was 80 pages into my book when that happened but I was able to get it up and running and was able to submit to my Fabu editor just in time to promote and order some for the Harlem Book Fair.... which brings me to.......
July- My books are here and Oh jeez am I holding on to them. I sent out about a dozen or so and ordered some to come later on. I was REALLY pushing it but a few days before the Fair, my books arrived! STEPPING OUT ON FAITH!!! YAYYYY!!! So I figure out logistics, what to wear, who Im going to see, how Im going to do this.. yadda yadda yadda...... Fast forward to the day! Im in Harlem and I contact my darlin Reem aka Keith Williams, (excellent author - Open Spaces) so I can hang out with him and borrow a corner of his table LOL. On my way there I see VJ Gotastory and T. Styles and the VP of my family publishing company, The Cartel Publications. The CP and I have history and I adore them all! They are my big sisters and have taught me so damn much! I exchange hugs and all that and make my way to the table. Keith and I exchange pleasantries and do what wackiness we do while on twitterafterdark (SHOTS FIRED LOLOL) becuz hes my twubby... and we feed off each others creativity. Great to find someone like that because they push you to do so much more and I appreciate him. Go cop his book yall.... he's a rare kind. Anywho.... this is the HIGHLIGHT of my day coming up..... Im sitting there selling a book to a supporter and out of the corner of my eye, I see OMAR TYREE!!!! I gasp and Im like OOOOOOOOOOEMMMMMMMMGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! I am so happy I lost my breath for a lil I swear because aside from A Hustler's Son by T. Styles, Flyy Girl was THE book that made me say, Okay..... Im gonna write! Anyway, he disappears into the crowd and another person in Keith's camp is alerted and we literally stalk him! Hahahahaa....... he had to come back our way and lo and behold he DID...... and we waited, and waited, and I was able to snag a photo with him as he took my book! So pleased and honored I was to be with a lit legend. That made the Harlem Book Fair so worth while...... despite the fact that I ended up sunbaked, dehydrated and with a strained back muscle...... which brings me to.....
August- I am at 85-90% now but for the last few weeks I was on valium and Motrin 800. Yea I was that bad! I couldnt move my right shoulder, turn my neck or lift my arm. The doctor said it was hard as a rock :-/
I could do NO writing. I laid up and wrote on my blackberry and tweeted and read and researched LOL. But now Im back! Im working diligently once again on my novel and it will be released in 2011... again, cant rush greatness. 2011 is gearing up to be an interesting year! So many projects and opportunities and I am going to jump on them and make it do what it do because failure is not, never was and wont be an option!
Blessings to all!
Monday, May 17, 2010
What Ive Been Up To!!

I know its been a long time but life has taken over my brain and Ive been pre occupied. The Journey hasnt ceased however. I continuously write and work on projects. I am currently working on my sequel "Bound By Lies", which is my sophomore effort to my debut novel "Broken Promises Never Mend". I have been diligent in that and am even taking steps to making sure that the sequel is more developed than the first book. I have decided to push it back to Fall and maybe even winter. Perfection cant be rushed. I am also working on a book that will be released next summer. I have also been able to get my first novel on amazon Kindle, which is downloadable to any Blackberry, iPhone, iPad, etc. I am super excited about it because it will be based on a true story of sorts..... a story that every woman can and will be able to identify with. I havent stopped but I have slowed down to focus and will succeed by any means necessary! Much Love to all my supporters and fans!
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Thinking ,Planning and Moving On!
Today is the first day of April and the beginning of the second quarter. So much to do and so little time but Im working on it. I am working on a few projects... mostlyI've been writing my second novel which is the follow up to my debut "Broken Promises Never Mend" and I feel like I've not made a dent in my work. I am also working on another project as well as another book to be released God's willing the end of the year. The key is to remain focused. Developing............ People have a way of tearing down that which they dont understand. Trust. You'll see it! ;-)
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Failure Isnt An Option
I know its been a while since I've blogged but boy oh boy have I been busy. First off, let me thank ALL of you that have supported me on my journey and purchased my novel. Ive received rave reviews and I am pleased to be able to give you all something to look forward to and to treat you to something that Ive worked so hard on.
Lately Ive been thinking about success and how many claim it..... Success is defined differently by a variety of people. For me, I dont know what I call success yet but the strides that Im making are HUGE accomplishments that leave me speechless. Proud of myself I am for the time that many sat idly by and allowed their projects to be incomplete I pressed on and did what I needed to do. I realized that when I was told that my book was on Barnes and Noble!!!
Next up....booking radio shows and book signings...... :-)
Stay Tuned
Lately Ive been thinking about success and how many claim it..... Success is defined differently by a variety of people. For me, I dont know what I call success yet but the strides that Im making are HUGE accomplishments that leave me speechless. Proud of myself I am for the time that many sat idly by and allowed their projects to be incomplete I pressed on and did what I needed to do. I realized that when I was told that my book was on Barnes and Noble!!!
Next up....booking radio shows and book signings...... :-)
Stay Tuned
Monday, January 18, 2010
I Had A Dream...... And That Dream Came True

Who knew when I woke up this morning I'd find my book on Amazon.com??? I sure as hell didnt. I had actually believed it would be a week later but now that its arrived the real work begins.
1. Pushing it as hard as I can
2. Launching my website and purchasing books so they can be autographed and sold
3. Distributing them to partipating stores so I can have book signings
4. Book Release Party!!
So there you have it. My 3 month plan. Mind you, I am still working on the sequel to this book which I anticipte to be completed for the Summer 2010. I was once told that anything worth it is a struggle and boy oh boy has this book given me HELL. I almost shelved the idea that I'd even publish a book. I however kept persevering and never stopped pushing ahead because I knew it was something I wanted to do. People told me I shouldnt; why? I still dont really know but maybe they felt something in my words would tell others the story about them and their knack for being artificial. Who knows! All I know is this isnt the first nor is it the last that I will have accomplished this feat. I have about 4 more books lined up for the next 2 years and one by one everyone will "Watch Me, Do Me"!!!
~Essence M~
Thursday, January 14, 2010

WHEW! I did it! I published my book and it will be available on Amazon.com in a few weeks... Im praying honestly on a release date of 01-25-10 (meaning thats when it'll be available to the public). That date is significant for a few reasons which I'll get into as it approaches. Many think that publishing a book is a small accomplishment. Well if they dont think so, they for damn sure act like it. As if they could do it themself.. but the thing is THEY DIDNT. Many see errors as a way to look down on a new author as someone that didnt do their research, one that is misinformed, etc. The bottom line is maybe no one took them aside and said constructively, "this is how you do such and such... let me help you."
There are honestly a few people that I can say helped me wholeheartedly along the way without looking down on me and making me feel like I cant do it. I had one person damn near get angry when I said I was giving up. "Oh Nooooooooooooo the hell you arent! Push for it! I know you can do it and YOU know you can do it too!" And I did... I did it for the first time privately and bragged continuously. I received constructive criticism to which I did the best and changed things around a bit without taking away from what I set out to do originally. I think it came out well for my first literary venture. I know some will look at it like wow..... both with negative and positive connotations but I know for ME... I did what I set out to do and successfully. I self published a BOOK. Not many can say that....... :-)
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Friday, January 1, 2010
The Beginning Of A New Year 2010
Hey Luvs
Welcome to the beginning of my journey. I decided to begin new in 2010 with something that chronicles my life as a Self Published Author. There will be tips and tricks along the way so stay tuned. Why am I up at almost 2am? Working! I've been tweeking my website that will launch in February 2010 as well as working on my first book "Broken Promises Never Mend" so that it can be released at the end of this month. Im excited and nervous about it but I know its only the beginning of my journey. Ive been writing for many years and finally my dream has come to fruition. I didnt do it alone and I had a host of people that helped me along the way be it by encouraging me, or simply by giving me ideas and talking with me about the process. Whew! Who knew something so "simple" could be so much work but guess what...if it were as simple as the naysayers believe then everyone would have a book. In any event, thats whats on my mind now..... Im off to bed and quite possibly I'll be back.
Thanks for sticking around!
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