Who knew when I woke up this morning I'd find my book on Amazon.com??? I sure as hell didnt. I had actually believed it would be a week later but now that its arrived the real work begins.
1. Pushing it as hard as I can
2. Launching my website and purchasing books so they can be autographed and sold
3. Distributing them to partipating stores so I can have book signings
4. Book Release Party!!
So there you have it. My 3 month plan. Mind you, I am still working on the sequel to this book which I anticipte to be completed for the Summer 2010. I was once told that anything worth it is a struggle and boy oh boy has this book given me HELL. I almost shelved the idea that I'd even publish a book. I however kept persevering and never stopped pushing ahead because I knew it was something I wanted to do. People told me I shouldnt; why? I still dont really know but maybe they felt something in my words would tell others the story about them and their knack for being artificial. Who knows! All I know is this isnt the first nor is it the last that I will have accomplished this feat. I have about 4 more books lined up for the next 2 years and one by one everyone will "Watch Me, Do Me"!!!
~Essence M~
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