On Friday May 27, 2011 I attended the premiere of a documentary that took three years to bring together and was told to us through the eyes of authors and readers in less than ninety minutes. The documentary was entitled "Behind Those Books" and it was created, produced and directed by Kaven Brown and Mills Miller.
In the film, which premiered in New York City it opens with a rapper speaking of how he is not a role model yet he speaks on that which he sees and is surrounded by in his environment. It then continues to show interviews by the likes of such authors such as Omar Tyree, Michael Eric Dyson, Caroline McGill, T. Styles, Terry McMillan, Treasure Blue, K'wan and more. What these authors tell are the foundations to why they author books and how it affects or doesn't the society to which we live in. We also hear from the minds of creative designers such as Davida Baldwin as well as vendors that sell the books that we love to love or hate.
Tales of "tits and ass" being all over book covers, misspelled words and copycat "rap songs" are praised as well as frowned upon. One author even gets personal and speak of his living situation as a child and how he brings it with true grit and passion to the novels that he writes.
This film is something that we needed to unleash to mainstream as many only see a one dimensional side of the literary world. Authors and readers alike will now understand what goes on behind the pages and even moreso Behind Those Books!!
A Peek Into My World and The Journey of a Self Published Author.......
About Me

- Full Of Essence
- New York, New York, United States
- .Everything happens for a reason and when we least expect it. Not one to wait for things happen, I tend to push for what many call IMPOSSIBLE. I am the self published author of "Broken Promises Never Mend" which is currently on amazon.com. I am very proud of my accomplishment seeing as though I was told many times that I cant do it and also that I shouldnt do it. I go against the grain and can be a rebel of sorts. My intentions are good and I always usually win in the end. Not one to stay idle, Ive also been an entrepreneur and created gift baskets, scented candles and incense for many customers and have been blessed to even have gifted celebrity clients such as Nicole and Boris Kodjoe of Showtime's hit show "SOUL FOOD". I thank you for networking with me and God's Blessings! ~Essence M~
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