I begin my novels with several chapters beforehand and then leave it alone. I usually come back to it when I get the itch, urge and inspiration. I lost 2 half completed manuscripts earlier in the year and was devastated. I was able to retrieve them and I am in the midst of working on Stolen Revelations. That drops the end of the year.
Am I unsure about how it will be received? Absolutely! Do I want it over with? Of course! Am I going to continue writing? Without question! I anticipate when I can type the two words that makes an author smile from ear to ear... "THE END"
A Peek Into My World and The Journey of a Self Published Author.......
About Me

- Full Of Essence
- New York, New York, United States
- .Everything happens for a reason and when we least expect it. Not one to wait for things happen, I tend to push for what many call IMPOSSIBLE. I am the self published author of "Broken Promises Never Mend" which is currently on amazon.com. I am very proud of my accomplishment seeing as though I was told many times that I cant do it and also that I shouldnt do it. I go against the grain and can be a rebel of sorts. My intentions are good and I always usually win in the end. Not one to stay idle, Ive also been an entrepreneur and created gift baskets, scented candles and incense for many customers and have been blessed to even have gifted celebrity clients such as Nicole and Boris Kodjoe of Showtime's hit show "SOUL FOOD". I thank you for networking with me and God's Blessings! ~Essence M~
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