About Me

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New York, New York, United States
.Everything happens for a reason and when we least expect it. Not one to wait for things happen, I tend to push for what many call IMPOSSIBLE. I am the self published author of "Broken Promises Never Mend" which is currently on amazon.com. I am very proud of my accomplishment seeing as though I was told many times that I cant do it and also that I shouldnt do it. I go against the grain and can be a rebel of sorts. My intentions are good and I always usually win in the end. Not one to stay idle, Ive also been an entrepreneur and created gift baskets, scented candles and incense for many customers and have been blessed to even have gifted celebrity clients such as Nicole and Boris Kodjoe of Showtime's hit show "SOUL FOOD". I thank you for networking with me and God's Blessings! ~Essence M~

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

He's My Favorite Mistake Launch Party

Boy meets Girl.......... Girl Falls in Love.. Boy Shits on Girl.......... Girl STILL loves Boy.... Boy Leaves Girl........... Girl Never Stops Loving Boy... 

That pretty much sums it up... While I havent read it, I have indeed lived it.. I was gifted a copy of it and I plan on sinking my teeth into this book written by Ni'Cola Mitchell and Tamika Newhouse. I have my own Favorite Mistake and if I see his ass on the street I may gouge his eyes out! I digress however and shall move on to the point of this blog... 
The launch party of He's My Favorite Mistake was at the Harlem Home of Bumpy Johnson.. YES! THAT Bumpy Johnson. It was filled with some of our favorite authors... including myself. 

Arranged  by Lola Sims and Nikki Walker of NWPR, brought out some of the industries top players. Its always good to have the support and love from friends and colleagues. If you dont have it, I advise you to cop it. My review is pending...... I wont let you down! http://www.amazon.com/Favorite-Mistake-Obsessive-Soul-Joint/dp/0615598404/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1340168416&sr=1-3&keywords=tamika+newhouse

Friday, June 22, 2012

Part 2..... The Black Pack Party

Ahhhhhh the BEA was successful so now we all gathered to meet at a restaurant in Harlem called Londel's for the Black Pack Party. As seen in the picture above it was filled with African American authors of all genres coming together for one specific purpose..
 UNITY IN LITERACY. Sounds oh so simple! It is! We all dont know each other but for that day it was like meeting aunties, uncles and cousins that we havent seen in a long time It was definitely a reunion of sorts. I had never attended this event before but everyone made me feel so much at home. I appreciated it and look forward to next year's event :) 

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Earlier this month I was invited to attend the BEA which is the Book Expo America. I went with my editor Brandie Randolph of Editing Couture and Tamika Newhouse of Delphine Publications. Also in attendance was Q.B. Wells of Urbania Magazine and Ni'Cola Mitchell, of NCM Publications. Being around such great literary minds was overwhelming. Little did I know that was the tip of the iceberg. I walked into Jacob Javitz Convention Center like a kid in a candy store. After all, where ever books are, I am excited. Signs that I am a real reader and writer. We walked through the aisles trying to find where Tamika was slated to do her signing at 4pm. Upon arrival we see a big crowd and decide to follow it because quite frankly there were several brown faced people that looked like us. As luck would have it, it was exactly where we needed to be and I was in awe to see Author and Radio Personality Michael Baisden. He was there promoting his newest novel "Maintenance Man 2". Along side him was Heather Covington of Disilgold and ZANE............ yes ZANE....... the erotic author.

 While I got no pictures with Michael I was blessed to speak to Zane who may or may not have remembered me but despite that seemed very nice and we snapped a shot together. I am fortunate at this stage in my literary career to be able to connect with so many. The day was just beginning and Tamika had a successful signing. As I was about to walk away I saw my mentor and literary godmother, Best Selling Author Victoria Christopher Murray! Her and I had such a heart to heart, she had to lead me away because I was crying. Done messed up my make up and everything. LOL
She and I spoke about the literary community and what's expected of me and what I need to do in order to succeed. It was then that I was joined by Carol Hill Mackey of Black Expressions. YUP!! I got hugs and all that... Also Yvette Hayward was kind enough to join us and we all chatted it up about me along with other topics.. I was literally like a niece, or lil sis and all my aunties were giving me excellent advice. So here I was amongst literary greats and they all had my back. Its a wonder why I feel within my heart that I am where I am supposed to be. The evening can only get better........ stay tuned for the Black Pack Party later on............ ;)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Day 2! I awaken.. finally after being up all damn night. There was a fire in my hotel and my nerves were bad. My long time friend and fellow author Tanisha Mahogani Pettiford take the trek to downtown. We unfortunately missed alot of the authors and tables but definitely saw old friends and some new ones too... like Towanda and Traci Braxton of the Braxton Family Values. They were there promoting Towanda's husband's book! It was a pleasure to meet these lovely ladies and they were so kind enough to take a picture with us. Towanda even wanted to take a ring I had on my finger. I politely told her to "GET HER LIFE"... I kid LMAO! All in all it was a wonderful day. I spoke to Omar Tyree too!  I saw my usual suspects and some new ones as well.. I had a great time in Baltimore and will be doing it again next year and I will BE there! I always seem to check out events before I go. Thats a wise thing to do. Welp! See ya next year :) 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Closer to "The End"

I begin my novels with several chapters beforehand and then leave it alone. I usually come back to it when I get the itch, urge and inspiration. I lost 2 half completed manuscripts earlier in the year and was devastated. I was able to retrieve them and I am in the midst of working on Stolen Revelations. That drops the end of the year.
 Am I unsure about how it will be received? Absolutely! Do I want it over with? Of course! Am I going to continue writing? Without question! I anticipate when I can type the two words that makes an author smile from ear to ear... "THE END"

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Harlem Book Fair 2011

Harlem Book Fair 2011! Where anyone who is anyone can come purchase books, mingle, sell, advertise and rub elbows with the best of the best and those that aspire to be. I totally forgot to update you all about all that I did. I shared a table with another author and got there fairly early. It was HOT!!!! When I say hot I mean well over 100 degrees but I saw lots of old friends, comrades and colleagues. Too many to name but I saw Erick Gray, Wahida Clark, T. Styles and the Cartel Publications, Takerra Allen, Envy Red, Tamika Newhouse, Anna J, rapper Styles P, Treasure Blue and K'wan along with many others. I took pictures with many and they purchased my novels and mingled. The day before was a meet and greet at the DejaVu Book Lounge located in Harlem, NY and alot of the authors I saw were also at the Harlem Book Fair. There are so many people with stories to tell and they aspire to be authors. One never knows how an inspirational story can assist in making ones dream come true. I am never one to kill a dream as I know what it feels like to experience the same. It was my second time at the Fair and I had an absolute blast. People knew me and bought my books. I took pictures and mingled. Its always good to be recognized for your work without anyone having to say, "this is Allison, author of Broken Promises Never Mend & Bound by Lies". Now I get "Oh My God. Why did you end this book that way. Is there another part?" I LOVE that aspect and recognition and its because of readers like you all that allow me to strive to be the best and to do what I do. I want to be the very best at my craft and give it all of my wholehearted attention so everyone can be happy. I believe JOY is at the end of a well written novel! 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Baltimore Urban Book Festival Day 1

I was excited as I packed my stuff to travel to the Baltimore Urban Book Festival the beginning of May. Not only was I going to possibly sell some books but I was going to network and see some of my author friends that I hadnt seen in weeks, months or even the last year. Always good to see my facebook and twitter friends. 
Boarding the bus to MD/DC I thought about who I would see and how would it be. Would they embrace me? Are we still cool? Not that it mattered but I know who's in my inner circle and who I can trust and depend on. 
First on deck was the meet and greet. I was honored to have been accompanied by two facebook friends and avid readers. They were able to see what my life has now become. Its always a pleasure to show people how I "get down" and who I am as an author, friend and person. As I pulled up to the location in Baltimore, Maryland I was excited to see some familiar faces. I first saw K'wan, author of Eviction Notice, Eve, Gangland, and more! I then saw Eyone Williams, author of Lorton Legends and JM Benjamin. Amongst others in attendance were Tamika Newhouse, Azarel. DC Book Diva, Rahiem Brooks, Envy Red, and Erick Gray. Wahida Clark also stopped in to show love and we conversed briefly. I always like to come out and show my friends love and support because you never know when you will need the same in return. 
We all drank, ate and mingled anticipating the next day and what would occur.... I decided to go to my hotel room after. I was greeted by a fire alarm or drill. I was out in the rain for thirty minutes while they investigated. By the time I was indoors I was dead tired but I managed to do a ustream video to update you all about what happened LOL. 
Needless to say I didnt sleep until 5am that morning and ended up getting to the festival late.......... stick with me and see what happens next! 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Coming this Winter.......

Many of you wanted to know when this was coming out and I can say that it will be in your hands Christmas Day. What a great gift! I know its been a while since I have blogged but I have been busy promoting "Bittersweet" and working on this end of the trilogy. Enjoy the preview! Get ready for a whirlwind ride and an ending that will leave you dumbfounded!